Review Policy

Thank you for considering us to review your book, and we'll be more than happy to do so. If you'd like to contact us, you can send us an email at

Kindly include in your email to us...
- your name in the subject line
- the title of the book you'd like us to review
- a short summary of your book
- which one of us you'd like to review it if you have a preference. If you do not specify, we will either both read it and place a review, or we will take the book according to our preferences

What genres do we accept?
-paranormal romances
-historical fiction
-contemporary/historical romance
-YA novels
-science fiction
Neither of us generally prefer any sort of non-fictional books, so the chances are that if you ask us to review it, we will decline. It's not definite, but it's quite likely.

What formats do we take?
We have a preference for actual, physical copies of the book, either ARCs or finished copies, but we also accept pdf and ebook files.

What our review will include:
- the cover
- title and author of book
- a short description of the book
- a quote that we liked and helps to describe the character
- review
- rating
- a book trailer if we can find one

Again, thank you very much for considering us, we will read your book as soon as we can, and we'll send you an email once we have our thoughts up. We hope you find them pleasing, but we will not lie in our reviews, even if it is unpleasant. Once more, thank you so much for taking the time to do this.

With love,
~Kay & Arya

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